Wind company launches balloons

Published July 27, 2019 07:33AM


A balloon test conducted by officials with the Broad Mountain Wind Project went off without a hitch Friday morning after being delayed nearly a week due to high winds.

Workers from Digital Design and Imaging Service Inc. prepare to launch a balloon test to show the height of the proposed wind turbines in Packer Township. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Four balloons were elevated within the footprint of the proposed 21-turbine wind farm in Packer Township to serve as a representative example and provide additional data for site analyses to be submitted as part of the ongoing zoning hearing process.

“This was all for visual impact assessment to give people a visual marker of where these turbines would be,” said Rob Miller, project manager. “Earlier, we gave a visual report to the zoning board where we superimposed the turbines, showing where they would be. The board requested this balloon test. It’s not all that common, but we were happy to check off that box.”

A team from Digital Design and Imaging Service Inc. conducted the test, with balloons flying well past the anticipated two hours.

The crew flew three white balloons at the proposed 656-foot tall turbines when the blade tip is at its apex. A smaller orange balloon marked the 418-foot height of the top of the turbine tower.

The four balloons were spread across different parts of the wind farm, with one each on the far eastern and western ends and two others in between along the ridge.

In May, attorney Greg Mousseau, speaking for the Packer zoning hearing board, explained the board is trying to determine a “field of view” for the entire project. They are hoping for a “panoramic view,” versus the simulated photos provided so far, to show “the visual impact to existing homes.”

“The weather was beautiful today and really gave us a chance to give the community that visual they were looking for,” Miller said. “There were photographers out today at around 15-16 different locations, and we’ll be taking those images and giving a new visual impact piece to the board that will include the balloons as well as the previously superimposed turbine images.”

The test was originally slated for last weekend, but Miller said balloon experts advised against the flight due to 15-20-knot winds on the Broad Mountain.

Packer Township’s zoning board had requested 26 balloons to show each pad site, but Miller said that wasn’t practical or safe.

“People were out and about today to see this test and how it would look,” he added. “A neighbor rented a plane to check it out from that perspective.”

Miller said he hopes to bring the images from today before the zoning hearing board during a scheduled Aug. 14 hearing. Before that, a hearing is scheduled for Aug. 7.”

As for whether the public, who had concerns about the visual impact of the proposed turbines, would be swayed by Friday’s event, Miller said beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

“I think some people view turbines as progressive and see the economical and environmental impact, while others just don’t like them,” he said. “I think the visual impact is one of the biggest concerns people have going into this, so hopefully some of those concerns were put to rest.”

Broad Mountain Wind to Conduct Balloon Test

Weatherly Plaza • 202 Carbon Street • Weatherly, PA 18255

Phone Toll Free: 1-866-591-5005


Media Contact: Kurt Knaus, 717-571-5687

Broad Mountain Wind to Conduct Balloon Test

Four representative balloons set to rise Saturday, July 20, weather permitting

WEATHERLY, Carbon County (July 16, 2019) — The Broad Mountain Wind Project will elevate four balloons within the footprint of the proposed 21-turbine wind farm in Packer Township to serve as a representative example and provide additional data for site analyses to be submitted as part of the ongoing zoning hearing process.

The balloons are set to be elevated shortly after sunrise on Saturday, July 20, weather permitting. The six-person team will monitor height and capture photos from communities to the north and south of the project site for about two hours until 8 a.m., after which the balloons are winched in and deflated before morning winds or other unsafe conditions prevail.

If there is fog, the start of the test time will be extended until most of it burns off, and then the ascent will begin accordingly, lasting approximate two hours for the photos.

Broad Mountain is a windy environment, thus the proposal to build a wind farm there. The air must be calm and still for the balloon test to function safely and properly. If the test cannot be performed Saturday morning, efforts will be made again during that same evening, beginning around 5 p.m., assuming weather cooperates and there are no lightening or evening thunderstorms.

If the test cannot be performed Saturday, efforts will be made again during the same times on Sunday, July 21 and Monday, July 22. If weather prevents all of the tests, new dates will be proposed.

The balloons, about 12 feet in diameter, will be tied to a cable and rise to the height of the proposed 656-foot (200-meter) tall turbines when the blade tip is at its apex. A smaller balloon on the same cable will mark the 418-foot (127.5-meter) height of the hub, which sits atop the turbine tower and holds the rotor and blade assemblies.

The four balloons will be spread across different parts of the wind farm, with one each on the far eastern and western ends and two others in between along the ridge. The tests are being conducted by Digital Design & Imaging Service Inc. More information about the company and its operations is available at

Broad Mountain Wind will provide alerts about the balloon test for residents through several different channels. Among them:

Broad Mountain Wind has a field office in Weatherly Plaza at 202 Carbon Street in Weatherly. More information is available toll-free at 1-866-591-5005.